The ⏯︱vod-questions channel on Discord is a great way for you to get feedback on a specific moment of the game from a WTL Coach or Mentor.
When it comes to learning from your games, posting a clip is much better than a general text question. Getting context of the situation and what the specifics are is crucial.
VOD Questions Format:
To get a clear idea of your struggles and learning objectives, we’d like you to format your questions in this format.
- Champion: So mentors who are champion experts can quickly get to this question
- Current learning objective/focus area: what are you focusing on?
- Your question (the more specific, the better)
- OP:GG – Link to your
- Clip: Link to the video and timestamp or attach the video clip if under 50MB.
Responses from WTL Coach and Mentors only
To ensure everyone gets the most value from vod questions, only WTL coaches and Mentors are allowed to answer.
Of course everyone wants to chime in and help each other out, but when students review VODs they often don’t get to the important mistakes, and usually their analysis is simply wrong and will lead to confusion for the student who just wants their VOD reviewed.
If you have a question about how a WTL Coach or Mentor reviewed a VOD then you are still welcome to ask a follow up question to the mentors. We know some members want to have a crack at ‘solving’ the VODs in ⏯︱vod-questions. We find that perfectly reasonable.
However, it’s important to understand that having a crack comes at the cost of clarity for the student posting the VOD. And risks them being misled or receiving incorrect information.